How to create featured posts
Login to Squarespace. ( – If you do not know the login credentials, ask anyone from AE.
2. After logging in, you’ll be welcomed by the backend dashboard. Click on Chillfactor and it will redirect you to the site’s specific backend.
3. Once you’re at the backend, click “PAGES” on the left panel, then look for “Features”. This will display the current entries you have on the site.
4. Click on the “+” to add a new entry. This will bring up a pop up where you can add the Title and Body of your entry.
To add an image on the article body, hover over the blank space and click on the “+”. On the pop up, click on “image” then proceed on uploading the image from your device.
HOW TO ADD article cover image + excerpt
On the top part of the pop up, you can see content, options, SEO, Social etc. Click on “Options”
2. Edit the following areas on the image below
Featured Image- Upload the cover image of the article (The image that will be displayed on the homepage of the site
Post URL- Just type in 2-4 words that will be part of the URL after publishing. For example, the title of the article is “The Hobbits and the Shire” – put “hobbitsshire” on the Post URL area
Author- Choose your name on the drop down, if your name isn’t there, ask someone from AE to add you.
Except- Just copy paste the first 180 characters of the article.
HOW TO publish the article
Save- Saves the article as a draft for you to edit further
Save and Publish- Instantly publishes the article